Supporting men and their families impacted by prostate cancer
We have a schedule of monthly meetings which are listed below.
Our schedule for 2024 is to meet on the following day of each month:
Tuesday 9th January
Tuesday 13th February
Tuesday 12th March
Tuesday 9th April
Tuesday 14th May
Tuesday 11th June
Tuesday 9th July
Tuesday 13th August
Tuesday 10th September
Tuesday 8th October
Tuesday 12th November
Tuesday 10th December
Since the Coronavirus we have been holding our meetings virtually (using Zoom) by invitation. However we are currently seeking a venue so that we can return to face-to-face meetings.
If you are not a member of the support group and would like to attend a meeting, please contact us.
You will be welcomed!
Why not speak to us first and we will be happy to give you more information - contact us.